Six The Musical Tickets
Lena Horne Theatre | New York, New York

The depths of feeling in Musicals can be seen this January in New York, New York when Six the Musical comes to perform at the Lena Horne Theatre stage on Friday, Friday 26th January 2024. The premise is uniquely simple. Six sees the wives of Henry VIII compete for the saddest story. Anne Boleyn, played brilliantly by the boisterous Millie O’Connell, insists that being beheaded is the ultimate end to a troubled existence, something perhaps only the downtrodden and equally headless Catherine Howard (Aimie Atkinson) could match. Yet each of the title’s six has their own story of woe, and more importantly, their own sense of empowerment to portray. Don’t miss out on this unique event! Click the Buy Tickets button below.
Now, whilst this show is certainly a creative bit of genius, it would lie flat if it didn’t have an talented cast to back this up. Each one of these wonderful women have a beyond stunning voice, each of them could certainly move into the music industry, if this girl band like production has given them a taste for that field. Each and everyone one of them embody their roles with everything they’ve got and really pull you under the spell that they are their characters, without a second thought. So if you want to see all the thrills, highs, lows and excitement of a live theater show, come to the world famous Lena Horne Theatre in New York for a night of stunning entertainment.