Six The Musical Tickets
Lena Horne Theatre | New York, New York

Meet the ill-fated queens of Henry VIII in a crazy night at the Lena Horne Theatre as SIX: The Musical arrives on Monday 12th February 2024! Originally debuted in 2017 in Britain, this breakthrough production jumps over to America showcasing a set of 80-minute shows crafted and steered by the well-regarded duo Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss. Taking cues from musicians like Adele and Ariana Grande, the acclaimed with a Tony Award score of SIX delivers energetic tunes such as “Ex-wives,” “Get Down,” and “Don’t Lose Ur Head.” Taking the stage includes Hailee Kaleem Wright, Leandra Ellis-Gaston, Bella Coppola, Nasia Thomas, Zoe Jensen, and Taylor Iman Jones as the self-important king’s previous loves. These powerful women, each as fearless as the remaining, will captivate you in a dynamic festivity filled with songs and statements designed to turn quiet murmurs into booming proclamations of strength. Join your voice in resistance in the company of these groovy queens from the 16th century! Purchase your tickets without delay for SIX: The Musical on Monday 12th February 2024 at the Lena Horne Theatre, located in New York!
Now, whilst this performance is certainly a creative bit of genius, it would lie flat if it didn’t have an talented cast to back this up. Each one of these wonderful women have a beyond fantastic voice, each of them could certainly move into the music industry, if this girl band like production has given them a taste for that field. Each and everyone one of them embody their roles with everything they’ve got and really grab you under the spell that they are their characters, without a moments thought. So if you want to catch all the thrills, highs, lows and excitement of a live theater show, come to the breathtaking Lena Horne Theatre in New York for a night of stunning entertainment.